Picturins America
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Picturing America Comes to Russia
Picturing America in Russia—Goals and Objectives
Preparing to Use the Picturing America Companion

Preparing to Use the Picturing America Companion


Before using the lesson plans featured in this companion, we encourage you to take the measures listed below. Taking these steps will help ensure that you fully benefit from the project.


If you do not have access to an American Corner or Center, we encourage you to create a PowerPoint presentation with the necessary images. A simple Google search—typing in the title of the artwork—will give you instant access to all the forty artworks featured in the project. If you are not able to use PowerPoint, you can print the images for use in the classroom.

Pre-teaching Arts-related Vocabulary

Depending on your students’ familiarity with art-related terminology, you might want to introduce some key concepts and terms for analyzing works of art. We recommend visiting the following websites for terms and definitions:

Exploring American Culture

While the teachers have done an exceptional job of linking the artworks to related cultural features, such as American literature and music, you might want to further investigate the topic prior to starting the project. Visiting the following websites will give you additional information about American culture:

** For additional information, please visit the “Web Resources” section.

Written by Natasha Isadora Frank