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19-B James Karales, Selma-to-Montgomery March for Voting Rights in 1965, 1965
Guliya Shaykhutdinova


Teacher Name:  Shaykhutdinova Guliya Tashtimirovna
Art Work:  19-B James Karales “Selma-to-Montgomery March for Voting Rights in 1965”, 1965
“Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs” – Ansel Adams, American photographer
Theme:  Freedom, Leadership, Democracy, Courage
Lesson Plan Title (two variants):

  1. “A Pictorial Anthem of the Civil Rights Movement”
  2. “The Road to Freedom: Selma-to-Montgomery March, 1965”

Subject areas: Visual Arts; U.S. History – Civil Rights Movement; Social Studies; Geography; Math; Music
Skills covered:
Analyzing primary sources;
Observation and description;
Making inferences and drawing conclusions;
Internet research skills;
Calculating skills;
Map skills;
Creative writing
General Goals:

  1. To help students understand the artwork - James Karales’ iconic photograph “Selma-to-Montgomery March for Voting Rights in 1965” – through the exploration of information and critical and comparative analyses.
  2. To help students develop their English language skills by encouraging them to express their opinions and ideas about James Karales’ photograph.

Specific objectives:

  1. To teach students about the role of Selma-to-Montgomery March for voting rights as a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement.
  2. To expose students to music related to the artwork (protest songs).
  3. To teach students to describe how James Karales’ photograph reflects the spirit of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.

Guliya Shaykhutdinova          

  1. To allow students to productively use English through integrated skill activities.
  2. To develop students creative writing abilities.
  3. To allow students to practice and produce grammatical structures - different types of questions – through analyses of the artwork.

Materials/ Visual Aids:
Teachers Resource Book “Picturing America”
Artwork 19b James Karales “Selma-to-Montgomery March for voting rights, 1965”
A tape recorder with Audio CDs or cassettes with the song “We shall overcome” in Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Dean Reed and Diana Ross’s performance
Glossary (Appendix A), Activity worksheets (Appendices B, C, D), Assessment worksheet (Appendix E), Answer worksheet (Appendix F)
Paper, pens (markers), rulers
Step-by-step procedures:
Lead-In (5 min.)

Suggested images: Martin Luther King, Rihanna, Ella Fitzgerald, Mike Tyson, Rosa Parks, Eddie Murphy, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Morgan Freeman, Jackie Robinson, Barak Obama, Condoleezza Rice, Louis Armstrong, Will Smith, Duke Ellington, Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali, Mae Carol Jemison,Colin Powell).
Ask students whom they know and what these people are famous for. Ask students what other famous African Americans they know.

  1. Explore what students already know about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1.  Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students each.

Have each group create a concept web with “Civil Rights” in the center. Have students
write words and phrases  they associate with civil rights.
Sample answers: racial discrimination, assassination, oppression, struggle, voting rights, freedom, respect, dignity, equality, justice, marches, etc.
After completing their concept web, one member of each group calls out a word or a phrase from his/her group’s web. Compile a list of the students’ ideas on the board.




Guliya Shaykhutdinova
Activity  1.  Analyzing Karales’ photo (15 min.)
Activity  2.  Information about the Selma-to-Montgomery March, 1965 (8 min.)
 Activity  3.  The song “We shall overcome” (10 min.)
Activity 1. Analyzing Karales’ photo
Step 1.  Observing Karales’ photo
 Encourage students to carefully examine the photograph for 10-15 seconds and describe it.
What details--such as people, objects, and activities--do you notice?
What information about time period, location, and season can you gather from the photo?
Imagine where the photographer placed himself in order to take this picture.
Ask what the background behind the marchers is.
Step 2.  Making inferences and drawing conclusions
Encourage students to make inferences and draw conclusions from observing the photograph.
Have students complete worksheets (Appendix B).
Step 3.  Rolling Questions

  1.  In pairs write down questions this photograph raise in your mind. Try to make up all types of questions – general, special, alternative, tag-questions, subject-questions.

Sample questions:
Who do you see on this country road?
 Where are they going?
Are the marchers walking downhill or uphill?
How many people are visible on the photo?
 Figures closest to the camera are larger, aren’t they?
Women aren’t marching together with men, are they?
You don’t see white men on this picture, do you?

Guliya Shaykhutdinova
The marchers are carrying umbrellas, coats, jackets, aren’t they?
Why are they carrying umbrellas?
Is the weather fine or nasty?
What do the American flags symbolize?
Where was the photographer who took this picture? Etc.

  1. Ask other classmates your question. A student answers a question, then proceeds to ask a question directed at the next student in turn. This continues around the class.

Activity 2
Reading for detail. Information about the Selma-to- Montgomery March, 1965
Have students read the information about the Selma-to-Montgomery March http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches
and then complete the worksheet “Map Activity” (Appendix C).
Activity 3
The song “We shall overcome”
Have students read the information about the protest song “We shall overcome” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Shall_Overcome
and then complete the worksheet “We shall overcome” (Appendix D).
Closure (2 min.)

  1. Ask students to add new words and phrases they have learnt during the lesson to a concept web “Civil Rights”
  2. 3-2-1 strategy: Ask students about three things they learned, two questions they have, and one thing they liked.

Assessment (10 min.)
 A photojournalist’s diary “I was there”
Assess the students understanding of the role of Selma-to-Montgomery March as a turning point in the 1960s Civil Rights movement by having them write an essay “I was there” in the form of a diary. This diary belongs to a 35-year old staff photographer of the “Look” magazine James Karales (Appendix E).

1.  Have students analyze other photographs of the voting rights march available on the Internet.
2. Have students explore the Nobel Peace Prize winners on the Internet and make a report (a poster) on those who fought for democracy and freedom.
3.  Have students interview family members about a historic event in your country (the 7th of November Demonstration, the 1st of May Demonstration, Victory Day Demonstration) they participated in. Have students include a photograph of the event (if possible).
4.  Have students create a poster that might have been used by protesters in a march.
 Meeting special needs (auditory/musical):

  1. Encourage students to search the Internet and explore more protest songs. Have students share their findings with classmates in the next lesson.

Creative Writing: “I have a dream” essay
There are different types of discrimination in the world based on ethnicity, religion, skin color, gender, age, socioeconomic status, language, size, weight, looks, etc.
Imagine the following situation:
Only underweight Russian girls with grey eyes and blond hair aged 12-13 speaking two foreign languages are allowed to eat at your school canteen.
Write an essay “I have a dream” (200-250 words) expressing your feelings about this discrimination (examples of feelings: sad, treated insulted, unjust, unfairly, unequal, etc.).
Explain how you are going to seek your basic human rights (write letters to authorities, protest peacefully, organize sit-ins, marches, encourage your schoolmates to fight for your rights, etc.).
Express your hope that someday the situation in your school will change and you’ll get the right to eat at your school canteen.
Use the famous words from Martin Luther King’s speech («I have a dream that someday our students will not be judged by the color of their eyes”) and from theprotest song “We shall overcome” (”We shall overcome the prejudicebased on theweight of our students”).
In the summary write down what kinds of prejudice still exist in your country and how they affect peoples’ lives and feelings.
Note: Before writing the essay have students read the final section of Martin Luther King’s speech “I have a Dream” http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm  delivered by him at the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom” on August 28, 1968.
Guliya Shaykhutdinova
Explain to students that Dr. King was the advocate of nonviolent protest and he devoted his life to the freedom of all Americans, not only African Americans.

List of References:

  1. Delvin, Joseph. Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. Ìîñêâà, Öåíòðïîëèãðàô, 2002.
  2. Muller, V.K. Modern English-Russian Dictionary. Moscow: Russky Yazyk Publishers, 2001.
  3. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Chief Editor Sally Wehmeier). Oxford: University Press, 7th Edition, 2005.

Selected Websites:

*Civil Rights Movement: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_rights_movement
*Martin Luther King:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr.
*We Shall Overcome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Shall_Overcome
*Selma-to-Montgomery Marches: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches



      Word, phrase




    Legislation n

    Çàêîíû, çàêîíîäàòåëüñòâî

    A law, a set of laws


    Converge v

    Ñõîäèòüñÿ â îäíîé òî÷êå

    To move towards one place
    paths, ideas, aims ~
    Ant. diverge


    Cover v

     Îñâåùàòü ìàòåðèàë äëÿ ïðåññû

    To report news
    to ~ Olympic games


    (the) ñlergy n


    The priests of a religion


    Capture v

    Çàõâàòûâàòü,  ïðèâëå÷ü âíèìàíèå

    Make sb interested
    To ~ sb’s attention, imagination


    Tense adj

    Íàòÿíóòûé, òóãîé, íàïðÿæåííûé

    Hard, nervous, worried
    ~ times, week, situation


    Resolutely adv

    Òâåðäî, ðåøèòåëüíî

    Firmly, with great determination
    Ant. Irresolutely


    Defiance n

    Íåïîâèíîâåíèå, ïðåíåáðåæåíèå

    Open refusal to obey
    An act of ~
    In ~ of - âîïðåêè


    Brisk adj

    Æèâîé, ïðîâîðíûé, îòðûâèñòûé

    Quick, busy
    A ~ pace/walk


    Iconic adj


    A symbol of sth;  related to a portrait
    An ~ idea, an ~ photo


    Horrify v

    Óæàñàòü, ñòðàøèòü, øîêèðîâàòü

    To frighten sb extremely
    Syn. appal


    Assault v

    Àòàêîâàòü,  øòóðìîâàòü

    Attack sb/sth  physically to ~ the marchers, building


    Batter v

    Áèòü, êîëîòèòü

    Syn. beat, smash


    Rabbi n


    A Jewish religious leader


    Apprentice n, v

    Îòäàòü  â ó÷åíèå; ó÷åíèê, ïîäìàñòåðüå

    A young person who works for an employer to learn some skills
    To ~ sb to sb


    Fold v

    Ñêëàäûâàòü, ïðîãîðåòü, ñâåðòûâàòü (î áèçíåñå)

    To close sth because it’s unsuccessful
    To ~ a shop, a company


    Turbulent adj

    Áóðíûé, áåñïîêîéíûé

    Disturbed, stormy, restless
    A ~ career, decade, year


    Seek (sought, sought) v

    Èñêàòü, äîáèâàòüñÿ, ïðîñèòü

    To ask sth from sb, to achieve/obtain
    To ~ rights, funding


    Fleeting adj

    Áûñòðûé, ìèìîëåòíûé, ñêîðîòå÷íûé

    Lasting for a short period of time
    A ~ visit/smile/ glance


    Haunt v

    Ïðåñëåäîâàòü, ÷àñòî ïîñåùàòü

    To chase, to keep coming to one’s mind
    This tune ~ ed me all  Sunday evening

    Proper names:                                                    Geographical names:
    Lyndon Johnson                                                    Dallas County, Alabama
    James Karales                                                       Montgomery
    Emanuel Leutze                                                    Selma
    (George) Washington                                            Delaware
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.                                    Edmund Pettus Bridge
    W. Eugene Smith                                                  Canton, Ohio
    Guliya Shaykhutdinova                                                                              Appendix  B
    Student _______________                                                                         Date ____

                                             Worksheet “Making Inferences”
    Overview: The purpose of this activity is to develop your skills of making inferences.
    Directions:  1. Match the beginning of the sentence (1-6) to the end (a-f):


     Dark clouds suggest that


     she is prepared for the weather and long walk


     The American flags suggest that


     they may be singing to keep in step


     Both blacks and whites among the marchers suggest that


     that a storm has passed or is coming


     Front four  marchers are walking briskly in unison because


     the marchers are patriotic American citizens


     The woman in the first group is wearing pants and carrying an umbrella because



     they wanted to look their best in case they would be photographed by news media


     The marchers are well-dressed and carrying American flags because


     they are working together for a common cause

    2. Write down your answers:
    1 –
    2 –
    3 –
    4 –
    5 –
    6 –


    Guliya Shaykhutdinova                                                                                                 Appendix C
    Student ___________                                                                                                 Date _____
                                                             Worksheet “Map Activity”  
    The purpose of this activity is to develop your map skills and speaking skills; to focus your attention on the numerals.
    1. Using the map of the Selma to Montgomery march
    and the information you read about the  Selma-to-Montgomery March http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches
    provide the following information:
    1. When did the march begin? ___________________________________________________
    2. When did the march end? ____________________________________________________
    3. How many days did it take to march? ___________________________________________
    4. In what town and county did the march route begin? ______________________________
    5.  In what town and county did the march route end? _______________________________
    6. What other towns did the marchers go through? _________________________________
    7. What river did the marchers cross? ____________________________________________
    8. In what state were they marching? ____________________________________________
    9. What is the capital of this state? ______________________________________________
    10. How many people marched at the beginning and at the end? ______________________
    11. What distance did the marchers cover? (Use the map scale to estimate the distance between the two places) ______________________________________________________
    12.  How many miles did the protesters march every day? ____________________________
    2. Using only the map, share this information with your partners in groups of three or more students.

    Guliya Shaykhutdinova                                                                                       Appendix D
     Student ____________                                                                                       Date_____       
                                               Worksheet “We shall overcome”                      
    Overview: The purpose of this activity is to enhance your vocabulary and allow you to practice speaking. 

    1. Look through the text of the information worksheet (Appendix E)  and answer the questions:
    2. How many times did Martin Luther King use the phrase “We shall overcome” in his official speeches?


    1. In his addressing Congress on March 15, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson said “We shall overcome." Who do you think Johnson meant by “we”?


    1. Who are the first performers of the song “We shall overcome”?


    1. Listen to the recording of the song and sing it. What thoughts, reflection, emotions or reaction does the song evoke in you?


    1.  Play recordings of Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Dean Reed, and Diana Ross singing the song.

     In your opinion whose singing best suits a brisk, military pace of the marchers on Karales’ photograph?

    1. Add the appropriate words to the first lines of each verse:
    2. We shall overcome ___________________________________________________
    3. We’ll walk hand in hand _______________________________________________
    4. We shall live in peace _________________________________________________
    5. We are not afraid _____________________________________________________

    Student ___________                                                                                           Date ____
                                                         Assessment Worksheet
    Overview: The purpose of this activity is to review the new words and expressions you have learned, to practice creative writing.

    1. Match  the words and phrases to make up collocations:



    to capture





    tense and dangerous


    of unarmed marchers





    in unison



    the train


    the spirit and determination








    in defiance of


    basic human rights





     significant events



    heavy, black





    civil rights





    to cover


    my camera





    the oncoming storm





    voting rights for blacks





    of the three leading marchers



    to support





    outstretched legs




    1. Use these collocations to describe the event, the marchers, and the weather to write an excerpt from James Karales’ diary “I was there…”  Reflect the photographer’s thoughts and feelings about the event. In the summary don’t forget to make conclusions about the role of the march in the 60s civil rights movement. Remember you are James Karales and it is March 21, 1965.

    Begin writing the diary with the words:

    Guliya Shaykhutdinova                                                                        

    ”March 21, 1965.

    I got an assignment to take pictures of the marchers. Early in the morning I took my camera and

    Answer Sheet
     “Map Activity” (Appendix C)

    1. March 21, 1965
    2. March 25, 1965
    3. 5 days
    4. Selma, Dallas County
    5. Montgomery, Montgomery County
    6. White Hall, Lownesboro, Hayneville
    7. The Alabama River
    8. Alabama
    9. Montgomery
    10. 3,200/25,000
    11. 54 miles/87 km
    12. 10 miles/ 16 km


          “We shall overcome” (Appendix D)
    1a - 2 times
    1b - “We” means the people of the USA
    1c - Joan Baez, Pete Seeger
    4a - Injustice, prejudices, violence, discrimination, hostility, hate, racism, etc.
    4b - Resolutely, bravely, in unison, together, etc.
    4c -  Freedom, justice, love, equality, friendship, respect, dignity, etc.
    4d - Of the police, of tear gas, clubs, whips, to fight, to march, to protest, to struggle, to sit-in, etc.

          Assessment (Appendix E)
    1d, 2i, 3j, 4b, 5c, 6k, 7o, 8e, 9n, 10g, 11f, 12h, 13a, 14l, 15m